Native Speaker Week 2023

"The more English, the better English". Unter diesem Motto steht jedes Jahr die Native Speaker Week in unserer Schule.

Es ist schon eine lange bewährte Tradition an der MS Siegendorf, dass der Englischunterricht an der Schule jedes Jahr durch den Einsatz von Native Speakers, die eine Woche lang intensiv mit den Schüler:innen in abwechslungsreicher Form Englisch lernen, bereichert wird. („The more English, the better English!“)

Auch heuer hatten unsere Schüler:innen große Freude mit Jason, Ayesha, Tara, James 1, John und James 2. Die Natives Speakers kommen aus England und den USA. Bei lustigen Spielen, beim Kochen und Sport treiben vergingen die Tage wie im Flug. Am Ende zeigten die Schüler:innen bei Präsentationen und in selbst erstellten Videos, wieviel Freude und Selbstbewusstsein sie beim Anwenden der Sprache aufgebaut haben.

Hier einige Statements von Schüler:innen:

"I really liked the week with the native speakers. It was great that you could talk to the natives about a wide variety of topics in English. We also played great games, shot videos, did powerpoint presentations and went for a walk around the village where we had to act as a tourist guide for the native speaker. The native speakers were in a great mood, very friendly, nice and funny. It was a very cool week."

"The week with our native speaker Jason was very cool. We had to make a video which represents our school. I really liked it. Jason allowed us to sing to our favourite songs in some lessons and he also taught us a lot in a really funny way. I think we all enjoyed it. It was a great experience and we all learned lots of new stuff."

"Our native speaker was called James. He was a really friendly guy and I enjoyed the week with him and my friends. We played cool and interesting games together. My favourite game was the 21 game and we went outside for an hour every day. Every day we did different things. For example, on Tuesday my class guided James around Siegendorf and on Friday we booked the kitchen and made breakfast. That was a little  chaotic but in the end it tasted delicious. Furthermore, we had to make a video about the school and interview other students and even teachers. In the last lesson of each day we watched an episode of a series named &"Man vs Bee";, that was funny. The actor was Mr Bean. Everybody recognized him. Furthermore, we divided into groups of four and in these groups we had to give a presentation at the end of the week. James gave us a total of five hours for preparation. My group did a presentation about "The Royal Family". We also did different sports such as football and a kind of baseball. I had much fun during that week and I´m looking forward until they come back next year."

"The week with the Native Speakers was very interesting. I learned lots of new words and phrases and it was great to speak English all the time. James, our native speaker, was very friendly and funny. I liked the week very much."